DOWN IN THE DIRT – poezija na engleskom jeziku pjesnika iz Španjolske

Foto: Simon Migaj - Unsplash

Prenosimo poeziju pjesnika Daniela de Culle iz Španjolske. Pjesmu objavljujemo na engleskom jeziku.



The Revivalists’ “Down in the Dirt”
Is a music place where I stopped
At a journey in Autumn
To the Valley of Perfect Wisdom
With seeds and hands in the dirt.
A flame with desire all night hearing
Sounds under frosty rotating nebulae
Expecting to see what?
The end is on the same line of the song
Gathering guitar wood in the dirt
All of us going back to earth
Notyhing abandoned and there
Sensing no mistake unless
That opened skirt gathering Wood
Even blowing over the wind
Being able to pick up and go singing:
“Let’s get down in the dirt”
Privileged to see the unión of sky and earth
Because we live at the edge of silence
To be blown down.

Daniel de Culla

Biografija: Daniel de Culla
Pisac, pjesnik, slikar i fotograf. Član je Collegiate Association of Spanish Writers, Earthly Writers International Caucus, Poets of the World, (IA) International Authors, Surrealism Art, Friends of The Blake Society, Nietzsche Circle i drugih. Direktor Gallo Tricolor Review i Robespierre Review. Sudjelovao je na brojnim pjesničkim i kazališnim festivalima, surađivao je i surađuje s raznim časopisima i novinama kao što su: Otoliti; The Stray Branch, Down in the Dirt Magazine, Allien Buddha Zine, The Poet Magazine, Uppagus, ReSite, GloMag, Synchronized Chaos, Fleas on the Dog, LAROLA, RAL’M, Misery Tourism, Leavings, The Creative Zine, Terror House Press; i druge nacionalne: Pluma y Tintero, Letras de Parnaso, Revista Azahar, Cultura de Veracruz; Vericuetos, Kulturni centar Sol itd.


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