Shortparis: Ruska antiratna pjesma “Vrt jabuka”


Shortparis, ruski eksperimentalni bend osnovan 2012. godine u Sankt Peterburgu objavili su antiratnu pjesmu “Vrt jabuka”. Spot za pjesmu snimljen je tri dana prije rata u Ukrajini. U spotu se pojavljuje Zbor veterana koji su se borili protiv nacista u Drugom svjetskom ratu vjerujući da je to zadnji rat. Grupa je trebala nastupiti u Močvari ali je koncert otkazan. Pjevač Nikolaj Komiagin (kojeg zovu i ruskim Ianom Curtisom) bio je uhičen na antiratnom protestu piše louderthanwar.


Prijevod teksta pjesme na engleski:

Oh, my sorrow
I wasn’t here
Where is the limit, edges?
Who saw it?
And who do you belong now, who?
And who do you belong now, who?

Big country sleeping
Evening seems to be eternal
And above the Kremlins church
Wind is rising, ah

Fish is looking for fishnets
Body is looking for events
Bullet became much smarter
After a series of bloodsheds
And a soldier on the street
Eating pastry, enjoying sweets
He is your son and your brother
Apple orchard blooming with honey

Oh, my sorrow
Who’ll answer
Where is the limit, edges?
Who saw it?
And where this snake is going?
Who saw it?
And who do you belong now, who?

My homeland sleeping
Evening – crippled
And above the Kremlins church
Ash is rising
And a soldier on the street
Eating pastry, enjoying sweets
He is your son and your brother
Apple orchard blooming with blood

Oh, my sorrow
I wasn’t here
Where is the limit, edges?
Who saw it?
And who do you belong now, who?
You are ash now


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